BERT Pattern Generator
The Pattern Generator creates clock and NRZ data patterns used as stimulus for developing and evaluating digital communications systems and components. The Pattern Generators offers flexibility to create data streams of varying PRBS or user-defined patterns, at data rates from 1.0 – 32.0 Gbits/sec, with selectable signal offset, amplitude, timing and preemphasis to help you create the test signals you need.
Key Features
- 1.0 – 32.0 Gbps
- 2 synchronous NRZ data channel outputs
- 1 clock output
- Use differentially or single-ended
- Internal synthesizer or external clocking
- 4 tap pre-emphasis
- PRBS or user-specified patterns
- Bit-Interleaved or unlinked channels
- AC or DC coupled data outputs
- Programmable signal levels
- Optional stress accessory (PPGSA)
- Compact Design